Vertically integrated real estate investments Multifamily value-add, ground up development, SFR rental platform

Multifamily investments Improving and revitalizing communities
We reposition aged and dated multifamily properties in thriving neighborhoods. We look for properties with deferred maintenance, subpar operations, poor renovations and with potential. We renovate to high standards and hold for long-term investment.
ResiAmerica Single-family residential platform
Through our Resiamerica platform, we acquire distressed single-family properties at scale, renovate the properties, and either re-sale to new families or hold as quality rentals.

Single Family new construction for homeowners Building beautiful homes
We construct reasonably priced homes for sale to families in Memphis, Tennessee, through our home building subsidiary. We specialize in suburban homes in the $200,000 to $400,000 price range. Our approach is thoughtful and creative, with an attention to detail and aesthetics. We believe that providing amazing homes, giving families the pride of ownership and benefiting the community as a whole.